
25 Jun 2024
Employee preferences in workplace pension selection

Employee preferences in workplace pension selection

Recent developments have seen the government introduce a Lifetime Provider model for workplace pensions, a move that has sparked considerable interest and debate. Findings from a recent survey reveal a striking preference among employees for their employers to take the lead in selecting their workplace pension provider. A significant 69% of respondents favour this approach,…

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13 Jun 2024
Mind over matter

Mind over matter

In the world of investing, where numbers and market analyses typically dominate, a crucial element often remains veiled in the backdrop – our behaviour. Behavioural investing emerges as a pivotal field, merging the realms of finance and psychology to scrutinise how our emotions, cognitive biases, backgrounds and world views intricately influence our investment decisions. It…

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8 Mar 2024
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Last weekend, while on holiday in London and with half a day to spare before my flight, I thought about the best way to spend my time. I decided to visit the Bank of England. This visit wasn’t just a tick on the tourist list; it made me pause and reflect on the significant progress…

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