
30 Apr 2024
Proactive retirement planning

Proactive retirement planning

A recent study reveals a promising trend among 45-54-year-olds in the UK[1]. Six out of ten individuals in this age group are actively working towards bolstering their retirement savings[2]. These mid-lifers are prioritising their future financial stability, implementing changes in their current spending habits to ensure they can support themselves later in life. The measures…

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16 Apr 2024
The gift of giving

The gift of giving

In the unfortunate event of one’s passing, there’s a possibility that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) may levy an Inheritance Tax (IHT) bill on the deceased’s estate. The estate’s total value determines the sum due after deducting any debts and applying all possible thresholds. Two thresholds that come into play are the nil rate band…

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29 Aug 2023
Hidden impact of inflation on savings

Hidden impact of inflation on savings

A recent study has revealed that over half of the British population may not fully comprehend the hidden impact of inflation on their savings and buying power[1]. The research explored participants’ understanding of basic financial principles, including inflation, compound interest, risk and return, and the significance of life stages in financial planning. Surprisingly, only 44% of respondents could…

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14 Aug 2023
Lump sum vs regular contributions

Lump sum vs regular contributions

When planning for your future, consider increasing your pension savings. But should you do this through a lump sum or by raising your regular contributions? In this article, we look at each option. Why invest in your pension plan? First, it’s crucial to recognise the advantages of investing in your pension plan. Saving for your future…

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25 Apr 2023
Protecting income

Protecting income

Many adults understand the need for financial resilience and taking out insurance to protect their incomes in case of sickness or accident. However, too many self-employed people do not have any cover to help them should they be unable to work and are increasingly likely to choose to carry on working despite illness or injury….

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31 Oct 2022
When should I stop working?

When should I stop working?

Do you have enough income to retire? Are you prepared for the life changes retirement will bring? Is this the right time to sell your business? Is your timing right or will your savings and investments be at risk from volatile market conditions? The best time to retire will depend on a variety of factors,…

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