News and Views

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16 Nov 2023
“Time in the market”, not “timing the market”

“Time in the market”, not “timing the market”

In the investing world, the allure of quick profits and instant gratification often tempts some investors to employ a ‘market timing’ strategy. This method involves buying or selling financial instruments based on predictions of future market price movements. Market timing is an active investment strategy aiming to beat the traditional buy-and-hold strategy. It involves moving…

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13 Nov 2023
DACC – In Your Shoes – Adam Rutter

DACC – In Your Shoes – Adam Rutter

This article was written for Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce – click here to view the article on their website.   Monday 6th November – Fireworks, Football and Cycling. After a weekend of watching the fireworks and attending the Dundee United game it was finished off with a cycle to Broughty Ferry on Sunday. Back…

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6 Nov 2023
Talk Money Week

Talk Money Week

This week Thorntons Wealth is supporting #TalkMoney Week, designed to get us all talking more about the pennies in our pocket, our thoughts and feelings around money, and how and where to get help if and when you need it. Quite often, it’s just saying the words out loud that’s the hardest part. So, we’re…

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1 Nov 2023
Tax Tip Planning

Tax Tip Planning

Continuing with our Tax Planning Tips for 2023/24. To see how we can help, please click here to get in touch.    Maximise tax relief on your pension contributions by using all of your annual allowance. The annual allowance for 2023/24 is £60,000, but you can also use surplus allowance from the previous three tax…

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26 Oct 2023
Preparing the next generation to engage with their finances

Preparing the next generation to engage with their finances

Passing on the benefit of your experience to your children or grandchildren is crucial for their future success. However, financial planning can be complex, and even the most knowledgeable individuals may need help. Breaking down barriers around talking about family wealth takes time and patience. It requires on-going conversations and a willingness to address any…

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19 Oct 2023
How to find or trace a lost pension

How to find or trace a lost pension

Tracking down a lost pension pot can be daunting, especially if you’ve switched jobs multiple times throughout your career. The good news is that resources and strategies are available to help simplify the process. According to research, one in six (16%) UK adults have attempted to trace or find a pension that has been lost…

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12 Oct 2023
Tax Tip Planning

Tax Tip Planning

The third article in our series on Tax Planning Tips for 2023/24. To see how we can help, please click here to get in touch.    Let rooms in your own home to one or more lodgers. Rent-a-room relief allows up to £7,500 of rent per property to be received tax free per year. The rooms…

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28 Sep 2023
Back to the Future Webinar – 7th November 2023

Back to the Future Webinar – 7th November 2023

Life’s a journey. Wherever it may take you………. let us help shape your financial future! During this webinar, we will: Take you on a typical lifestyle journey and look at the financial implications affecting us along the way Look at the triggers for making financial choices along your journey – whether that’s buying your first…

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28 Sep 2023
Saving for the next generation

Saving for the next generation

Many parents and grandparents set aside money for the next generation to help with their financial needs. The rising cost of education, housing, and life in general, has created concerns about financial stability for future generations. Increasingly, parents and grandparents want to ensure their children and grandchildren have the financial resources to navigate these challenges…

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20 Sep 2023
Tax Tip Planning

Tax Tip Planning

Our second article in our series on Tax Planning Tips for 2023/24. To see how we can help, please click here to get in touch.    Contribute up to £9,000 into your child’s Junior ISA. The fund builds up free of tax on investment income and capital gains until your child reaches 18, when the…

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AJ Bell:

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